
Cover Rosehaven
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What reading level is Rosehaven book?
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She jumped from the bed and ran to look down. There were Severin and at least twenty-five men—some men-at-arms from Oxborough and some Langthorne men. Where were they going? She realized then that he had not even slept in his bed last night. No, he had not come to her at all. Nor had Trist. She watched them ride out, Severin, garbed all in gray, his chain mail glittering in the early morning sun, at their fore.
    He had not said a word to her.
    She dressed quickly and ran down the solar sta
...irs. Gwent was in the great hall, speaking to the steward, giving instructions to the thirty-some men-at-arms remaining at Oxborough. He looked up and smiled when he saw her.
    “Severin is journeying to his other holdings. The castellans there must swear fealty to him. He will make certain there are no problems, no insurrections brewing.”
    “I should be with him. It is the way things are done. It is expected.”

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Guest a year ago

Only a masochist will fall in love with Severin -

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