Sacrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothica Ex Codice Argento

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What reading level is Sacrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothica Ex Codice Argento book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

gAh 8.
uAAMMA mAnn t|>AMMA tJ'AnKsgA habAn- AiN hANAn. HKKsis gAh stAnOi in MiO^gAiM: i|>A- Knh is nKKsiSANAs rAST^tJ^: uf^i\> t}>AN lAisns d^n p.
iM. j^KAihNA ix\ns. 0A SKnAai iST sABBATji AA- rAM tjiinipTAngAN. ip^n nNtiJint}>TAngAN . sAiVAAA fas eft edere, nifi folis facerdotibus. Et dixit eis : Filius homi- y.
nis etiam dominus eft die! Sabbati {a). Fadum eft veio in alio 6.
die fabbati, quod intraret in fynagogam & doceret. & etat ibi vir, & manus ejus dextra erat arida. Obfervabant autem
...{/?) fed- 7.
hx & Pharif^i, an die fabbati fanaret, ut inveniient opportuni- tatem accufandi eum. At is novit cogitationes eorum, & dixit 8.
viro habenti nianum aridam : furge & fta in medio, verum is furgens ftetit. Dixit ergo Jefus illis : interiogabo vos num fas 9.
eft diebus fabbati benefacere, an non benefacere (

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Sacrorum Evangeliorum Versio Gothica Ex Codice Argento
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