Savage Survivals

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The book Savage Survivals was written by author Here you can read free online of Savage Survivals book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Savage Survivals a good or bad book?
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Eskimos believe that a child will get well if its mother will refrain from chang- ing 'her socks while the sickness lasts. And if a man is sick they believe his sickness would cer- tainly be made worse if his brother should eat any portion of the left side of a carabou. But such ideas, foolish and unscientific as they are, are just as well based as the practice of carrying a chest- nut or a rabbit's foot in one's pocket to keep off bad luck, and a hundred and one other things that "white people... do right here in Chicago all the time.
Witchcraft is common everywhere among prim- itive men. A witch is a person who by means of charms or magic words is supposed to be able to invoke the enmity of evil spirits on whomsoever he wishes; that is, is a person who "stands in" with the evil spirits. And the power supposed to be exercised by witches is called witchcraft.
Even within historic times wi1;ch-hunting has been an honorable business. Witchcraft was one of the worst superstitions that ever afflicted the human mind.

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