Saving Abby

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He should be at home right now with Claire, but he’d almost exploded at her earlier, and he’d stormed out, too afraid of what he might say or do if he’d stayed.
A loud rumble from the dark clouds above had him rolling up his windows. The sky had darkened in a matter of minutes, and he knew they were about to get hit with a major storm.
By the time he knocked on their door, the wind swirled around him, strong enough to push him around, and the temperature dropped. The sky would open up anytime.
...Dude, you should have called.” Derek opened the door. “We’re just sitting down to . . . what’s wrong?” He pulled Josh inside just as the rain began.
“I knew we were in for a storm, but that came from nowhere.”
“Sorry for dropping in like this, I just—”
“Josh, nice surprise.” Abby joined them, a smile on her face. “Join us for dinner? Derek made spaghetti and we have lots.” She looked from Derek to him and the smile disappeared. “What’s wrong? Is it Claire?

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