Saving Sins (Forbidden Erotic Romance)

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It dominated the skyline, huge and imposing. The statues adorning the outside might have looked judgmental to a stranger, but to Tara she finally felt a sense of relief, though it ran in tandem with apprehension. Tonight she was going back out on the streets. Tonight she was going full circle. Tonight she was wrapping up her unfinished business. They said that God never closed a door without opening a window, and while she didn't believe in God, she was ready to close a door forever. She wanted ...that window.
Running up the steps, Tara shook her hand out of the pocket of her heavy winter coat and placed her gloved fingers against the great wooden doors. Even through the thick soft fleece she felt the chill of the day, and it was going to get worse. Night was falling on Baltimore, and there was work to be done.
Pushing the door open, Tara stepped inside the church and breathed deeply. The smell of incense and burned candles met her nose, acrid and familiar. Just like all those years ago when she first came to the church, though back then the scent had seemed cloying, suffocating her where she stood.

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Saving Sins (Forbidden Erotic Romance)
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