Scamping Tricks And Odd Knowledge Occasionally Practised Upon Public Works ...

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Scamping Tricks And Odd Knowledge Occasionally Practised Upon Public Works ...
Newman, John B
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You are sitting down now, and you ought to know it* She said she heard me mumble several times in my sleep * Cut 3 feet off her, Bill ! ' That was my ganger's name, and, of course, my brain was alluding to cutting off the piles ; she thought it was her — no fear. Still, she always makes out I was not so good as I once was, and she felt sure Old Nick and me had night conversa- tions. I laugh over the whole thing now. I hardly did then." Digitized by CjOOQ IC OCCASIONALLY PRACTISED UPON PUBLIC WO...RKS. 53 CHAPTER VII.
" Now I'll tell you how we got on with some masonry bridges.
Being more of a scholar than most of them — thanks to the parish school — and being able to read, write, and sum a bit, I knew a trifle extra to the other chaps, and was made a ganger when very young. Somehow or other, I drifted into being crafty, and just then made friends with a man that was up to every game, and remembered old George Stephenson. He could tell and teach you something, and did me ; but even I have known the time when we hardly ever had a drawing to work to, except the section, and have walked many miles behind an engineer, and heard him say to my partner — who was a mason, and a real good one — ' Joe, put a bridge there, the same span and width between the inside of the parapets as the others.' ■ All right, sir !

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