School Reports As a Means of Securing Additional Support for Education in American Cities

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4 ThlB chart shows the most frequently used school publications in 242 cities ar- ranged according to the percent of cities which publish the report.
Kind of Report Percent of cities publishing report Annaal Report 60 Course of Study 45 School Directory 42| Rules and Regulations 37| School Manual 17 Newspaper Reports (Paid) 15 Campaign Bulletin 12] Posters 12] Monographs 11 Newspaper Display Ads 10 News Bulletin 9 Biennial Report 7 ^H Triennial Report S I Issue No Reports ^^H 54 School Reports American Cities Chart No. 4 illustrates the story which Table VII was in- serted to tell. It shows that the annual report is the most frequent school pubhcation, if all the cities reporting are con- sidered. This statement holds very decidedly for the New Eng- land States and is also true of the Middle Atlantic and South Atlantic sections. In the North Central States, school direc- tories and courses of study are more frequently published than annual reports. In the West North Central section, courses of study and the rules and regulations of the school board are the most frequent types of school publications.

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