Schubert Fantasies

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Schubert Fantasies
[jolsdorf, Gottfried] [from Old Catalog]
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What reading level is Schubert Fantasies book?
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But, seriously, I will certainly tell the Countess of your wish." A moment later, a gentle hand was placed upon the arm of the Count, while a blue eye glanced up into his face.
"Count Erben has need, then, of an inter- preter? And you, Herr Schubert — ^you were persuaded to assume this office?" Thus appealed to, Schubert answered with a laugh — "I really can't explain how it came about, Countess, for today you ought to have the sole privilege of granting favors." Digitized by VjOOQ IC 38 Schube
...rt Fantasies ''In that case, I know all Hugo's wishes is advance. He would even levy toll on my fingers; wants some Beethoven, 'just this once/ as he always puts it. I really ought not to — ^but what won't one do to keep some people in good temper?" She motioned to her servants to pull the piano forward a little, and opened it.
"What shall I sing?" " 'Adelaide,' if you will — ^to my mind the finest picture of pure love ever yet composed," entreated her lover.
"Well, you shall have it, as a reward for your good tase." The Countess began; but hardly had she struck the first chord when the melancholy tones of a barrel-organ came floating in through the open window, mingling them- selves in excruciating discords with the tones of the song.

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