Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885

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84 Calcium carbonate 22. 33 Magnesium 3. 39 Organic matter 4. 20 Insoluble matter 941. 47 Loss in analysis 4. 00 Traces of phosphorous acid and ammonia.
The following remarks made by the chemists who made the analysis may beof interest: "The decay of wood arises from the presence in the wood of substanceswhich are foreign to the woody fiber, but are present in the juices ofthe wood while growing, and consist of albuminous matter, which, whenbeginning to decay, causes also the destruction of the
... otherconstituents of the wood. " "One of the means adopted to prevent the destruction of wood by decay isby the chemical alteration of the constituents of the sap. " "This is brought about by impregnating the wood with some substancewhich either enters into combination with the constitutents of the sapor so alters their properties as to prevent the setting up ofdecomposition. " "The analysis of this soil shows that it contains large quantities ofthe substances (sodium, potassium chloride, calcium, and iron) most usedin the different processes of preserving or kyanizing wood.

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Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
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