Scorpions' Nest (2014)

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The book Scorpions' Nest was written by author Here you can read free online of Scorpions' Nest book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Scorpions' Nest a good or bad book?
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‘A fine morning, so late in the summer. It’s lease has, after all, too short a date, wouldn’t you say?’ Betsy was in a quandary. Kit Marlowe was the darling of every maid from scullery upwards throughout all the colleges in Cambridge, but their masters were not always so taken with his charms. Someone, a penny-pinching Bursar, had worked out how much he cost the university, breaking his fast and taking his luncheons and suppers wherever he thought fit and, by some quirk of possibly inaccurate ma...thematics, had brought forth a figure similar to the complete upkeep of the menagerie at the Tower. It was suggested gently by some kinder souls that surely even the mercurial Master Marlowe didn’t eat as much as even one very small lion, but the damage was done. He was to be forbidden entry to any refectory but his own and, even there, he was to pay his reckoning at the end of every week, rather than never.
    ‘Oh, Master Marlowe…’ Betsy began, thinking hard but none too fast.

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