Seaside Hearts (Love in Bloom: Seaside Summers, book 2) Contemporary Romance

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She had two bottles of Middle Sister wine in one arm and a roll of premade chocolate chip cookie dough in the front pocket of her hoodie. It was pitch-black in the development, as there were no streetlights, and Amy’s bedroom was on the side of her cottage. Jenna wasn’t tall enough to see in her window. She hung on Amy’s windowsill and called to her in a loud whisper.
    “Ames! I need you!”
    She heard Amy groan.
    “Amy! Ames! Hurry! It’s cold out here.”
    Amy’s face appeared in the windo
...w. Her blond hair was a tangled mess. They’d come back from the Beachcomber an hour and a half ago, and Jenna had tried to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes, she heard Pete’s promise.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “I can’t sleep.” Jenna bounced on her toes and held up a roll of cookie dough. “I brought goodies!”
    Amy’s eyes widened.

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Seaside Hearts (Love in Bloom: Seaside Summers, book 2) Contemporary Romance
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