Secret of the Giants' Staircase (2013)

Cover Secret of the Giants' Staircase
The book Secret of the Giants' Staircase was written by author Here you can read free online of Secret of the Giants' Staircase book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Secret of the Giants' Staircase a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Secret of the Giants' Staircase book?
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“Tunnels below the city?” Owen asked skeptically, jerking the lamp around to inspect the room at the bottom of the steps. The sudden movements were starting to make Jesse dizzy. “More like a sewer.”
    “No, it’s clean water,” Jesse said, studying it in the dim light of the oil lamp. “I think.”
    Already his boots were soaked, except for the two small patches that Rae had sewn. She did good work. Thinking about Rae gave Jesse enough courage to keep going into the darkness.
    “I would fire th shipbuilder,” Owen grumbled. “I could do better work than this.”
    The walls of the tunnel were stone, held together with some kind of sticky black pitch. Jesse wondered how long it took the Lidians to build the tunnels. They seemed to go on for a long way. If the Lidians had indeed used them to escape the siege, they would have to at least go past the walls of the city.
    “Hey, look,”

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Secret of the Giants' Staircase
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