Seduce Me At Sunrise

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He left the bed and went to the small kitchen, which had been fitted with a cookstove with a brass water reservoir and pipes leading through the firebox to provide hot water instantly. Filling a hot-water can, he brought it to the bedroom along with a clean tea towel.
He paused at the sight of Win lying on her side, the flowing curves draped in white linen, her hair spilling over her shoulders in rivers of silvery gold. And best of all, the sated softness of her face and the swollen rosiness of
...lips he had kissed and kissed. It was an image from his deepest dreams, seeing her in bed like that. Waiting for him.
He dampened the toweling with hot water and peeled back the sheet, enchanted by her beauty. He would have wanted her no matter what, virgin or no … but he privately acknowledged his satisfaction in having been her first lover. No one but he would touch her, pleasure her, see her … except … “Win,” he said, frowning as he washed her, pressing the steaming cloth between her thighs.

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Seduce Me At Sunrise
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User Reviews:

logophile77 4 years ago

Beautiful love story!! Loved the twists and turns. Loved the fairytale ending. Can't wait to read the rest!

Guest 5 years ago

One of the most Wonderful Romantic-Love stories i have ever read,and by`s a Keeper that stays in your heart forever.!

So far i have only read historical-romances by Lisa Kleypas,and they have all so far earned 5-stars."Seduce me at Sunrise" are the second book in "the Hathaway" series,one of the best book-series i have ever read.

I remember reading the series a few years ago,and remember being instantly intruged in the first book "Mine til Midnight" by the brooding intense Kev and the gentle but very sick Win whom Kev worshiped with every breath he had.We knew they are in love in the first book,and now in this second we got to read their story...

and what a Story it was.Oh My God Lisa Kleypas how you ruined me in this book.The expressive,explosive,powerful and everlasting love Kev Merripen and Win Hathaway have for each other are one every human being wishes for .
Win Hathaway,the most gentle of the all "Hathaway" siblings the "peacemaker" are a hell of a passionate heroine.So strong and a very worthy heroine.She didn`t break down when Kev rejected her but was ready to move on,and she showed it like hell to Kev.
But..OH how i never could dislike the Warrior-hearted Exotic Creature..Kev could we,when he lived and breathed his love for his beloved Win.Every action and choice was because of his love for her,he worshiped the ground she walked on ever since he saw her,and could die and live in hell all over again because of her.I.JUST.LOVE.HIM.SO.MUCH.!

Love and Adore every scene with them together.The scenes with them could be emotional,romantic,feverish,energetic,exciting,sexy..just OH!(Love the scenes where Kev was jealous,so funny)

We get to know many secrets and more hidden knowledges from both Kev`s and Cam`s pasts.In here we watch Leo interact for the first time with his up-coming heroine Catherine,they will have their story in the fourth book.

I Love Everything about this book.E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!

Guest 5 years ago

this book is super amazing , but i'd like to know if the first book also talk about kev and win

Guest 6 years ago

Please tell me that there are more books about this family. I want the stories to continue after all what about Poppy, Beatrix as well as the three half-sisters Kev and Cam have yet to meet?

Guest 6 years ago

Yes, Poppy and Beatrix have their own stories. Poppy's is Tempt me at twilight and Beatrix' is Love in the afternoon.

Guest 6 years ago

What if kev

Guest 6 years ago

this is the best book EVER!

Guest 7 years ago

I think is pefect

Guest 6 years ago


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