
Cover Sermons
Wilde, John
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little ones, a little longer, some of God's stewards are coming to pour the overflowings of their abundance into your laps.
Well, a plan of home charity is devised. The organization is all gratuitous. The channels through which the bene- factions flow absorb none of them. Its claims are present- ed to them. The plaint of sorrow and want loads the gale just as heavily as it did before, but they hear only the Macedonian cry that conies from some heathen land across the wide seas. Whatever form of
... charity is pre- sented they are for some other, that they may give to none.
Everything is wasted that is not put into the bag, wheth- er it be devoted to foreign or home charity.
A knowledge of human nature would not require the assertion of this passage that he was a thief, to enable us to find sufficient evidence that falsehood was the principal element of the character of Judas. When he pretends charity with a distinct consciousness of the entire absence Digitized by Google 64 of it; there is a basis of &lsehood which fits him for any treachery.

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