Sermons for Children

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Sermons for Children
American Unitarian Association
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What reading level is Sermons for Children book?
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I think that a great deal of the violent, angry, and — I am sorry to add — profane language which boys utter, a very large proportion of their quarrels, and a great many of the blows they strike, are not because they are angry, but because they are ashamed to appear mild, gentle, and peaceable. They think that unless they have voice and hand al- ways ready for a fight, they will be called cowards ; and so they make themselves real cowards, to avoid the name. Real cowards I say ; for there is no...thing so cowardly as doing what you know is wrong because you are afi-aid that some one will call your right conduct by a wrong name.
This is only one instance. Let me ask you, children, whether there are not some 48 SERMONS FOB CHILDBEN.
of you who feel this same wrong kind of shame about other things. For example, a good many children are together, on a holi- day afternoon, for a walk or a picnic. Some of them have gone from home with a very strict charge not to do certain things of which their parents disapprove.

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