Sermons for the New Life

Cover Sermons for the New Life
Sermons for the New Life
Bushnell, Horace, 1802-1876
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The other parts are kept in some kind of activity, and are sometimes even overgrown, by the stimulations of worldly, or vicious impulse. If we some times look on a poor, imbruted mortal, — one who walks, looks, speaks, not as a proper man but as the vestiges only of a man, — ^asking in ourselves what is there left that is worth salvation? — as if there were nothing; — still he lives and, what is more, some of his quanti- ties, viz., his passions and appetites and all his lowest affini- ties are... even increased. His thoughts too run as rapid- ly as they ever did, only they run low; his imaginations live, only they live in the stye of his passions. It is not, then, annihilation that we see in him. Nothing is really 184 THE CAPACITY OF RELIGION anmhUated but the celestial possibilities. And so it is with every soul that refuses God and religion. A living crea- ture remains, — ^a mind, a memory, a heart of passion, fears, irritability, will, — ^all these remain ; nothing is gone but the angel life that stood with them, and bound them all to God.

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