Sh Medical 08 - the Baby Dilemma

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Flirting and teasing came naturally to him, but he hadn’t meant to offend Paige. Her frankness impressed him. She was smart and assertive, and interesting to talk to. He also liked that, while she was obviously capable of taking care of herself, she’d shown a sweet, vulnerable side when she mentioned her family’s lack of encouragement. Contrary to the impression he’d apparently given, he didn’t consider her simply a sex object. Mike had no interest in shallow relationships. On the other hand, he... had no interest in falling in love and getting his comfortable life torn to shreds, either. The fact that he genuinely liked Paige made this dangerous territory. If anyone could tempt his emotions to venture too far, it might be her. But what fun was life without a little risk? As for her feelings, he intended to lay his cards on the table, so there’d be no misunderstandings. They were both grown-ups. And neither of them could deny the attraction that had flared from the moment they met.

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