Shades of Gray (2012)

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The book Shades of Gray was written by author Here you can read free online of Shades of Gray book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Shades of Gray a good or bad book?
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rested for an hour after her team departed. She hadn’t asked for pain meds and she wasn’t going to. She was getting out of this place.
    Hearing that Brumley had escaped had done something to her soul. It was like she’d become a different person at that point. Someone harder. Necessary to get her through the pain and shame of her ordeal.
    Time to suck it up and deal. Nothing worthwhile came easy. She’d learned that early on. And she’d been down before. She would never have imagined she’d re
...ach a lower point than when she’d walked away from S.W.A.T.
    But here she was, stripped of who she was, what made her the woman she was. That bastard had stolen her confidence. Her arrogance. Her cocky demeanor that held her together on the tough missions. He’d made her doubt herself and everything about her.
    She wasn’t going to lie here a moment longer.
    She pushed herself out of bed, going clammy as pain gripped her as soon as she put strain on the stitches.

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