Shadow Bound (Unbound)

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The book Shadow Bound (Unbound) was written by author Here you can read free online of Shadow Bound (Unbound) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Shadow Bound (Unbound) a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Shadow Bound (Unbound) book?
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Two weeks, and I was finally getting the hang of the tight space, which Kenley had used as an office before I’d moved in. Well, before Tower’s men had moved my stuff in, while I was still in the basement. Eventually I’d get my own place. Once I was sure I was going to live long enough to need one.
    I felt my way along the wall to the light switch and flipped it up, then peeled my wet pants off, cursing in my head. I wasn’t sure whether profanity in the privacy of my own room—away from Ian’s e
...ars—would violate the terms of our bet or not, but you can’t police someone’s thoughts. That was one of many, many truths I’d learned working for Jake—the only one that brought me any comfort.
    Clad in fresh, dry clothes, I crossed the tiny hall—really just a square of floor with four rooms opening into it—and pushed open the bathroom door, where I blinked in surprise and nearly jumped out of my own skin.
    A young woman—not my sister—stood in my bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror over the pedestal sink.

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Shadow Bound (Unbound)
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