Sheep : Breeds And Management

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Sheep : Breeds And Management
Wrightson, John, 1840-1916
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A yard of ewes heavy in lamb.
2. „ „ with single ewe lambs* 3. „ ,9 with single ram lambs.
4. „ „ with twins.
5. ,, „ and very yomig lambs* The older lambs, with their dams, are, when from four to seven days old, allowed to go out upon the turnips, and it is interesting to watch these young creatures learning to fend for themselves, and imitating their mothers in their eating, choosing the softer parts of the turnips, nibbling at the rape or turnip greens, or sorting out the choicer portions of
... the hay.
Lambs ought to be provided with a corner for themselves at an early age. A few hurdles should be placed around so as to include some small troughs in which is placed a mixture of split peas, bruised oats, and finely-ground cake. Admit- tance is given to this enclosure by means of lamb hurdles, which, while allowing of the ingress of the lambs, is a bar to the larger-sized ewes.
The lambing pen having been constructed, and all arrange- ments made for the arrival of the lambs, we shall now give our attention to the important subject of parturition.

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