Ship of Dreams

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The book Ship of Dreams was written by author Here you can read free online of Ship of Dreams book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Ship of Dreams a good or bad book?
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Even now, crouching in the tiny opening, they were less sensitive of what might be behind them than of what they knew lay outside. On entering they had received vague impressions of an extensive but low-ceilinged, gently glowing, stalactite-pillared cave, whose walls appeared festooned with luminous moss. They had seen nothing, however, to inspire fear in them—that is to say, more fear than already was present—and so their concentration was centered on the encroachment of the still unseen dholes....
In fact the dholes were to remain unseen, as they had always been and ever would be, though their humping shadows were plainly visible and their rustlings loud as they gathered beyond the cave’s entrance. Gazing out along the dim beam of light from the cave’s mouth, Hero felt prompted to whisper: “Where are the damned things! I can see movement—far too much movement—and I can hear them well enough, but I can’t see a one! What’s stopped them, d’you think?”
“The light,”

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