Short Story Masterpieces

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Short Story Masterpieces
Freeman Mary Eleanor Wilkins
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She felt dis- loyal to the poor old man who had been laid away in Digitized by Google 216 SHORT STORY MASTERPIECES.
the uncared-for corner of the old cemetery. She had been flashing as happy maidens do, but she turned to her lover with a face grown suddenly white.
*'I am not going to listen to you any more to-day, Dudley," she said.
* 'Where are you going, Alicia?" cried the young man in distress as he saw her hasten away from him. ''Are you angry with me? Have I been too bold? I love you with
...all my heart. How can I help being bold?
Don't go away, dear?" She turned for a moment.
"You haven't been too bold. Nothing is at fault in you, Dudley. I'm just going away for a while. I want to be alone. Don't come near me — for a week!" "Oh, don't say a week, Alicia?" her lover called in that sharp agony which a seven days' banishment can cause to such as he. But the girl did not answer him.
She went across the field, and Dudley Keepers saw her turn toward the cemetery. He smiled tenderly.
"She is an angel," he confided to the wind-blown meadow.

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