Shortgrass Song

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The book Shortgrass Song was written by author Here you can read free online of Shortgrass Song book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Shortgrass Song a good or bad book?
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She always brushed her hair as she waited—a task that could keep her busy for half an hour or more, as her hair grew thick and luxurious, hanging in shiny waves and coils to her waist.
She was sure that she was in love with Javier. It didn’t matter that he was old enough to be her father. She had never known her own father and recognized no particular age beyond which a man became a generation too old for her. Any man with black hair and good teeth was worth consideration, though Marisol was ver
...y discriminating in regard to the men she wasted her flirtations on.
She had always been fascinated with boys older than she was, but ever since Javier came to Peñascosa, her interests had gravitated more toward grown men. She was thirteen then. Now she was seventeen, and she had moved out of her grandmother’s house, into her own room in the adobe-walled fortress-village that was Peñascosa. The room had been left vacant by the death of an old man. It was located in a perfect place in the compound, between the corrals and the alcalde’s house, where Javier walked every day on his way home to eat his midday meal and take his siesta.

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