Siege And Evacuation of Boston And Charlestown, With a Brief Account of Pre-Revolutionary Public Buildings

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Siege And Evacuation of Boston And Charlestown, With a Brief Account of Pre-Revolutionary Public Buildings
Wheildon, William Willder, 1805-1892. [from Old Catalog]
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James Warren of Plymouth (brother of Dr. Warren), was chosen speaker ; and Samuel Freeman, clerk. This body included two hundred and five members. The first elec- tion sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Gordon.
To complete the civil government, on Friday, 21st, the House of Representatives elected twenty-eight councillors, — eighteen for Massachusetts Bay, four for New Plymouth, three for the Province of Maine, one for the territory between Sagadahock and Nova Scotia, and two at large.
The two Ada
...mses, Hancock, Bowdoin, Robert Treat Paine, James Otis, Cushings, Palmer, Winthrop, and Lin- coln were among the members of the Council, several of whom were also members of the House. This Council continued to discharge the oflBce of Governor of the Prov- ince, until the adoption of the Constitution, and the elec- tion of John Hancock as governor in 1780.
SKIRMISHES AND EXPEDITIONS. 17 " DAYBREAK OF THE3 REVOLUTION." In November, Congress recommended the Provinces of New Hampshire and South Carolina to '^ establish a form of government as will produce the happiness of the peo- ple." And '' here," says Bancroft, " was indeed the day- break of the Revolution : two peoples were summoned to come together and create governments with a single view to their own happiness." The remark seems to ignore the fact that Massachusetts had for a year been under the government of her own Provincial Congress, and for three montlis under a legisla- ture elected by the people, according to her charter.

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