Silent Court (2014)

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The book Silent Court was written by author Here you can read free online of Silent Court book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Silent Court a good or bad book?
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He felt that he might never be hungry again. But wherever he turned, someone was already doing the work; the yurt was down in a matter of minutes, and folded into the wagon he had slept in the night before, the pole broken down into three sections and stowed along the side in special brackets. The fire had been kicked out and covered with the sods which had been cut and carefully set aside the night before. The horses were in the traces and the dogs tethered behind, the children stowed in neat a...nd relatively silent lines behind Hern, who drove the first wagon. The Wasp had been rubbed down and fed, and she seemed remarkably docile. Hern had obviously had a word in her ear.
    Almost before he knew it, they were on the Ely road through the desolation that was Wicken Fen and, looking back, Marlowe could see hardly a sign that seventeen humans and many animals had spent the night there. The flattened grass where the tent had been would soon spring back and the Egyptians would once more have disappeared into the mists.

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