Silent Daughter 1: Taken

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A world that doesn't want you, but a world you need.
    It has always been my ambition to make it, to become part of this. Growing up in a world divided into us and them, I have always wanted to be one of them.
    This is who I am, where I belong. On top, above the mediocre masses that struggle to wander through life with a degree of dignity.
    I grew up among them. Among the weak and poor. Uneducated people who worry about paying the rent, paying off their self-imposed debts and even about
...the next meal for the numerous children they should never have had. I lived among them, but I never belonged.
    I fought my way out of that miserable life, and I am proud of it. Yet, I know that there are places where I will never be seen as one of them, despite my success.
    This is one of those places. Most of the people who gather at this house for the ridiculous event of tonight never had to fight their way up.

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