Silent Daughter 2: Bound

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At least she was in such a daze after our latest play that she didn't protest the leash as much as I expected her to.
    She may be coming around a lot faster than I thought she would, but I still feel safer when she is chained to the bed and out of reach of any trouble.
    Just as I feared, there are plenty of missed calls waiting for me as I arrive at my office downstairs. Will has tried to call me about a dozen times, though I am pretty sure that whatever he wants of me right now cannot be
...urgent. Or so I hope.
    Will is blissfully unaware of the danger that comes with the deal we are working on together. I almost envy him for being so blind to the evil that no one but me can save him from.
    But there is a lingering worry when I pick up the phone to call him back.
    "Leonard!" he exclaims. "That took you long enough." "I'm sorry, I was occupied," I excuse myself. "What's up? I hope this has nothing to do with our meeting this week?

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