Silver Bullet

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DON’T LOOK AT that!”
Startled, I whirled and swung my fist at the same time. Malcolm ducked under it easily. He hooked his arm around my neck, pulled me down to his level.
Reflexively, I wanted to fight and run, wanted to escape the fear. I pushed down the panic reaction, clinging to the knowledge that Malcolm was my ally. I even forced myself to allow him to drag me down the hall.
“Those are nightmare demons down there.” His mouth was close enough to my ear that I could hear him over the shriek fire alarms. “You don’t need to be bonded to a kopis to keep them from hurting you. Soon as you realize you’ve got thrall creeping up on you, move your body, get the blood pumping, and get the fuck out of there.”
He shoved me toward our penthouse. I could take a hint. I ran.
I reached the door in time for Suzy to shove a shotgun into my hands.
“We’re not getting our asses kicked this time,” she said, wide eyes blazing with anger. She’d propped a second shotgun against the door.

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