Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

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the Homo Sapiens Agenda 22 FROM: [email protected] TO: [email protected] DATE: Jan 1 at 1:19 PM SUBJECT: Re: auld lang syne Jacques, Poor zombie. Hope you’re already sleeping again as I type this. The good news is that there are still four days left of vacation, which should clearly be devoted exclusively to sleeping and writing to me.
I missed you last night. The party thing was fine. It was at my stepmother’s grandmother’s house, and she’s about ninety years old, so we were
...back home in front of the TV by nine. Oh, and Mr. Sexual Awakening was there. His wife is extremely pregnant. She and my stepmom were comparing ultrasound photos of their fetuses at dinner. Our Little Fetus looks like your basic cute little alien with a big head and tiny limbs. You can actually see his or her nose, so that was kind of cool. But, unfortunately, Mr. Sexual Awakening’s wife had a 3D ultrasound picture. All I can say, Jacques, is that there are some things you can’t un-see.

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Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
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User Reviews:

Guest 2 years ago

This was a wonderful book! It is an easy read that has a good mix of plot and humor. The characters are relatable and easy to connect with. 10/10 would recommend :)

Guest 4 years ago

Easily my favorite book. So glad I get to read it for free! Simon and Bram are the actual greatest book couple in the history of book couples.

Guest 5 years ago

(yes i used freaking bc i had to refrence to simon duhhh)

Itsssalivia7 5 years ago

Is this the movie Love Simon came from?? Plus-This was an amazing book and written by an amazing author!! Anyone who thinks differently has no taste in books because reading this book has inspired me to right my own!

Guest 5 years ago

I loved it, it was so cute and realistic it felt like I was feeling everything simon was feeling

Guest 5 years ago

well, i'm so fucking mad at myself for not picking up this sooner. this is what young adult contemporary romance SHOULD be.

it was the perfect amount of humor and heart. simon's voice is incredibly genuine and relatable. the dialogue was effortless and realistic. honestly, i'll read anything alberatalli will publish now.

i ship simon and blue SO MUCH. OTP status basically. i love the way that simon's homosexuality and coming out was handled...obstacles and all. simon's dad: "you're pretty brave, kid" -- couldn't agree more. i felt like albertalli created this wonderful, beautiful love story...ya know fairy tale kind of stuff here people. i admit it. i swooned.

i loved pretty much every character in this book. while i didn't get to spend a ton of time with every side character, i still felt that everyone was really developed. even the "villain", and while i didn't condone or appreciate his behavior, albertalli really portrayed his arc realistically and made sure emphasize that what he did was not okay.
i love the friendships. i love the family dynamics. i LOVE simon's parents.
this book had me head over heels to be honest and it gave me butterflies (a ya contemporary hasn't done that for me since anna and the french the kiss)
this is definitely going to be in my top 10 if not my top 5 of 2016. do yourself a favor and read this!

Guest 5 years ago

One of my favorite books. I would definitely read this again. Plenty of humor which makes the book so entertaining.

Guest 6 years ago

this was a GREAT book looking forward to seeing the movie honestly i love this book and i liked the email bits the most because i feel as exited as the main character

Guest 6 years ago

Luv it I don't even know if I'm gay

Guest 6 years ago


Anna Colegrove 6 years ago

Even though i'm not gay, I LOVE THIS BOOK!
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