Sins of Eden

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He seemed unaware that she had jerked him all the way from Colorado to the pack’s camp on the other side of the world. As soon as he caught his breath from being phased, he was on his feet, storming toward her with all those angry hormones dumping into the air.
“How could you do that?”
She folded her arms and tapped her foot, waiting for his sense of reason to return. “Think about it.”
“Think about it? That was my son!”
“Yes,” Elise said. “And he was about to kill both of us.”
James gaped at her
.... Through some kind of elaborate process of naïve denial, he just couldn’t imagine Nathaniel killing them.
But Elise could imagine it too easily. She had felt the way that time and space had been fluctuating around him. She had felt his anger, his hatred.
Nathaniel hadn’t forgiven them for anything, and they had been a few breaths from oblivion. Maybe he would have regretted it later, but in the meantime, Elise and James still would have been dead.
“So you surrendered him to Belphegor?”

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