Sir Edward's Evidence

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Dernburg did by inserting it in the text.
The charge of dishonesty, therefore, made by the Belgian Government falls to the ground. And the same is true of the second charge which, in the Belgian defense, reads as follows : Moreover, the photograph of General Ducarne's report contains the words : "The officer with whom I spoke insists that our conversation has been absolutely confidential." For the word conversation the Xorddrufschc Zcitung substitutes the word "convention." Colonel Bernardston made to say that "our convention" has been absolutely confidential !
Such proceedings need no commentary.
The facts from the official Gazette are these: The facsimile reproduction of the letter (page 2. last word of line 1) is "conversation," and not "con- vention," as the Belgian charge would make one believe. In the translation (page 2, column 1, line 34) this is translated with Abkoiumen, which is per- haps most accurately rendered in English by "understanding." The translation into English is easy because both languages possess the word "conversation," and in both the meaning of the word may range from "desultory talk" to "tmderstanding." In German the case is different, for while a translator who is not afraid of using a foreign word might have said "Konversation." nine people out of ten would probably have rendered "conversation" here by Ahkominen.

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