Sketches of Central Asia; Additional Chapters On My Travels, Adventures, And On the Ethnology of Central Asia

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Sketches of Central Asia; Additional Chapters On My Travels, Adventures, And On the Ethnology of Central Asia
Vámbéry, Ármin, 1832-1913
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279 joined the Samarkanders without any result being obtained).
Mokanna, the mysterious prophet, kept himself during this period always in his fortress, attended by one hundred of the loveliest women of Transoxiana.
The interior of the castle was kept only for these with himself and one male page ; besides these was no earthly eye permitted to penetrate into his sanctuary. They say that 50,000 of his followers lay at the gate of the fortress, and earnestly implored him to show but once his god-
...Kke splendour. He refused, sent his page with the message : — " Say to my servants that Musa (Moses) also wished to see my godhead, but the beara^ of my splendour he could not support. My glance kills instantly the earth-bom." The enthusiastic ad- herents assured him that they would gladly offer their lives as a sacrifice if this high enjoyment was allowed to them. When he could not furthermore deny them, Mokanna consented to their entreaty, and appointed them to come at a certain time before the gate of the fortress, where he promised to show himself.

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