
Cover Slammed
The book Slammed was written by author Here you can read free online of Slammed book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Slammed a good or bad book?
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I’m in dire need of my own box of altoids. My entire body is dragging from hours of alternating between crying and inadequate sleep.
  I make a quick pot of coffee and sit down at the bar and drink it in silence, as I dread the day that lies ahead of me.  Kel eventually comes in, wearing his pajamas and darth vader house shoes. “Morning,” he says groggily as he grabs a cup out of the sink strainer. He walks over to the coffee pot and proceeds to pour coffee into the World's Greatest Dad cup.  “W
...hat do you think you’re doing?” I ask him.  “Hey, you aren’t the only one who had a bad night.” Kel climbs onto a stool on the opposite side of the bar. “Fourth grade is rough. I had two hours of homework,” he says as he brings the cup to his mouth.
  I take the coffee out of his hands and pour the contents into my own, then toss the mug into the trashcan. I walk to the refrigerator, grab a juice and place it in front of him.  Kel rolls his eyes and pokes through the hole at the top of the pouch, bringing it to his mouth.

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User Reviews:

Guest 3 months ago

so fucking beautiful :) .............................................................................................................................................................................................

Guest 6 years ago

So many tears. Beautiful poetry beautiful characters, realistic and sweet. Still so many tears!

Guest 7 years ago


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