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"Sure," Alice says. "I'm sorry. I can go--" "Why?""I... didn't want to push in. I honestly--""I believe you. But you're here, and I'd enjoy a talk, catching news, youknow?"Alice swallows and says that she would enjoy that too. She feels so vulnerablewith him, and she is not at all clear why; he has aged a little, but he's only a few years older than her, and beneath the beard, there's still that broad, pleasant face, not handsome but strong and good-looking, not her type at all judging by the re...cord. Tim's eyes are clear blue like a little boy's.He takes her through the crowd back to the main house and then upstairsto a sitting room overlooking the backyard. From here they can watch the party, lounging back in two large old deep red leather chairs with their color finely cracked."Jakey says you're working together."e "We are." Tim smiles at the window. Sun is coming through now. "He wants to move me to LA and plug with some full-spinal Yox folks. The next step, you know.""Isn't what we have now enough?""Every few years, we need something new," Tim says.

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