Slope of Love (Love in Bloom: the Remingtons) (2014)

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The book Slope of Love (Love in Bloom: the Remingtons) was written by author Here you can read free online of Slope of Love (Love in Bloom: the Remingtons) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Slope of Love (Love in Bloom: the Remingtons) a good or bad book?
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She had exposed the elephant in the room—real relationships and competition didn’t mix—and the wind had once again changed, cooling the heat between them. Now Rush stood at the top of the bunny hill with Suzie Baker, thinking about Jayla.
    “I really don’t think I can do this.”
    Suzie’s voice pulled him back to the more immediate issue, getting her down the hill safely. He tucked away his worry and brought Suzie into focus. Her blond hair stuck out beneath a pink knit cap, which matched her
... new pink and black parka and her black snow pants. Her mother had bought her all the right clothes. Too bad she hadn’t put as much effort into building her confidence outside of her reliance on gaining the attention of men.
    “Suzie, tell me something you feel like you are really good at.”
    She wrinkled her nose. “I guess dating doesn’t count?”
    Jesus. He knew Jayla should have taken her up, but Jayla had her hands full with a few of the other kids.

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Slope of Love (Love in Bloom: the Remingtons)
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