Soiling, Ensilage, And Stable Construction; Being a Revised Edition of Soiling, Summer And Winter;

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The following article appeared in the " Breeder's Gazette," and as it pro- duces such strong evidence of the value of Kaffir corn, I publish as much of the article as pertains to its value as a soiling crop : 150 Soiling.
Kaffir Corn as a Substitute for Indian Corn.
" The saccharine sorghums, after being subjected to thorough tests through a long series of 5^ears, have been accorded a high place among the forage plants of America. In one respect, however, the sugar sorghums did not meet the req
...uirements of the central and western trans-Missouri country. The requirements were these : " I. A plant with great drought-resisting powers.
"2. A plant cheaply grown, cheaply harvested, cheaply cured, and cheaply fed.
'* 3. A plant which would be practically a substi- tute for corn in the production and value of grain.
" The sugar sorghums meet all these requirements except the last. As a purely forage plant it stands without a rival.
"What is needed in the trans-Missouri country, in addition to the sweet sorghums, is a plant which has all the staying qualities of the former, but which exerts its energies in the production of grain high in quality and quantity.

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