Some Elements of Religion: Lent Lectures 1870

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Some Elements of Religion: Lent Lectures 1870
Liddon, Henry Parry, 1829-1890
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It is through prayer especially that "the 1 Gen. xxxii. 24. a Rom. xv. 30. 8 S. Luke xxii. 44. 4 S. Luke xi. 8.
1 8. Luke xviii. 5. • S. Matt. xy. 27, 28 ; S. Mark vii. 28, 29.
1 74 Prayer exercises the understanding, [Lect.
kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." 1 It was a saying of the late Bishop Hamilton of Salisbury, that " no man was likely to do much good at prayer who did not begin by looking upon it in the light of a work, to be prepared for and persev
...ered in with all the earnestness wliich we bring to bear upon subjects which are, in our opinion, at once most interesting and most necessary." This indeed will appear, if, looking to an act of real prayer, we take it to pieces. Of what does it consist ? It consists always of three separate forms of activity which, in the case of different persons, co-exist in very varying degrees of intensity, but which are found, in some degree, in all who pray, whenever they pray.
To pray, is first of all to put the understandings motion, and to direct it upon the Highest Object to Which it can possibly address itself, the Infinite God.

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Some Elements of Religion: Lent Lectures 1870
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