Sonnets And Other Verses

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Sonnets And Other Verses
William Gay
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— That thou shouldst hear, With whose own strains of late the forest rang, I could not dream ; but now that thou hast heard, And claimed for brother-singer of the wood One who but thought to carol undeterred And all unknown, I quit my solitude, And from the topmost branch of all the tree I sing this song, not for myself, but thee.
X892 Digitized by Google 12 SONNETS Zo a f rienb Thou art the sun, dear Friend, and I the earth, In thy sweet influence my life revolves, The fulness of thy light dot
...h hide my dearth, And thy perfection my defect absolves ; Yet oft the sun doth spend his light in vain, And darkly muffled in tempestuous gloom, The earth, an alien from his bounteous reign, £>oth onward swing as to a hopeless doom. — But O, dear Friend, should e*er affection's face By stormy vapours thus be hid from mine, And I from day to day be doomed to trace A lonely orbit, blame could not be thine: From earth itself it is that clouds are bred, 'Tis light alone that from the sun is shed.

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