Sophie And the Scorching Sicilian

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The book Sophie And the Scorching Sicilian was written by author Here you can read free online of Sophie And the Scorching Sicilian book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Sophie And the Scorching Sicilian a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Sophie And the Scorching Sicilian book?
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‘Morning!’ she yelped. ‘But that’s not possible. I’m only here for the night and I have nothing…’ Literally nothing—unless the airline tracked down her lost luggage—not even a toothbrush. ‘And we didn’t shake.’ It was not something she would have forgotten.
‘You’re a very literal-minded young woman,’ Marco observed before adding, ‘How young, really?’ ‘It’s not polite to ask a woman’s age, but I wasn’t lying—I’m twenty-three.’ She lifted her chin and thought, If he can ask so can I. ‘How old are’ ‘In experience, several centuries older than you, cara.’ His brow puckered as he studied her face. The exploits of the Balfour heiresses represented everything shallow and superficial that he had turned his back on after the divorce.
It remained a total mystery to him how a daughter of Oscar Balfour could utterly lack the glitter and polish that the Balfour name represented, how she could be so…wholesome and quite annoyingly naive.
The form of address brought a flush to Sophie’s cheeks.

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Sophie And the Scorching Sicilian
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