South By Southeast

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The frantic look on her face scared me. When I’d seen her only fifteen minutes earlier, she’d listened to Dad’s news with dreamy teenage bliss.
“What is it?” April’s voice said in my ear.
“I’ll call you back,” I said. “Chela just came into my room.”
April gave a short, hot sigh. Our relationship had been dancing around Chela from the beginning, with Chela trying to block her at every turn. “Ten, you need to teach her boundaries.”
“I know. I will,” I said, my familiar promise. Wishful thinking. I
... hung up.
Chela held her iPhone out toward me, and I noticed her hand trembling. “Maria’s missing,” she said.
After Dad’s talk, I had forgotten who Maria was.
“My friend!” Chela said. “I just got a call from a girl I met at the club. They found Maria’s purse and her phone. I was one of the last numbers on her phone, so a girl with a voice like a mouse called me to ask if I know where Maria is. They have her picture of her daughter.”
I stared at Chela blankly.

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