Spawn of the Winds (2012)

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The book Spawn of the Winds was written by author Here you can read free online of Spawn of the Winds book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Spawn of the Winds a good or bad book?
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But I’ve been trying to reach you ever since we got here three months ago, and— You say it’s been four months? Well, that tells me something; it took us a month to get here. And during that month we were all dead to the world except for Tracy, who had the stone, and of course poor Dick Selway, the pilot. He was just … dead. I’m not being callous, Juanita, but it’s been three pretty hellish months for us, one way or another, and we’ve seen enough of death in that time to— We? Yes, Tracy, Jimmy Fr...anklin, Paul White and myself. All right, I’ll go right back to square one for you, Juanita—back to where I cut you off when I thought that Ithaqua was going to flatten the plane against that mountain … .
  Oh, I knew we were done for, no doubt about it. And that damned … Thin! He was massive enough when we first spotted him—shapeless, writhing like disturbed smoke, big as a building—but when he has a mind to he can simply, well, expand. He was just starting to puff himself up when be caught hold of the plane with a hand black as night, five-fingered but like a bird’s claw, with talons instead of fingers, and his strength was unbelievable.

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