Speaking And Writing

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Speaking And Writing
Maxwell, William Henry, 1852-1920
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What reading level is Speaking And Writing book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

Which of you wants to turn back ?
A glorious enterprise is for brave men only. Let every coward get aboard at once and sail away.
Go on. Who is going ? (A pause.) Bernardo. Not I ! I follow Cortez !
Soldiers. Cortez ! Hurrah !
Cortez. No one wishes to turn back? You answer like true Spaniards. Pedro, go down and scuttle the last ship. No one wants it.
Soldiers. Hurrah ! We want no ships ! Scuttle 68 it! Scuttle it! Hurrah for Cortez! (Exeunt after Pedro.) Diaz. You have inspired them with your
...own daring spirit. Ah ! Hernando, you know how to persuade men.
Cortez. They are brave fellows after all, Diaz.
Mexico shall be ours !
2. Read all that you can find about the conquest of Mexico, and then tell the story orally.
3. Select the scenes for a second and a third act for the Cortez play, after reading the following notes : Some historians think that Cortez was little better than a robber. If that is your impression of him, do not make any attempt to finish this play. No one would like a play in which a robber has a tri- umphant end.

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