Species Ii

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Bright red, loaded with enough extras to jack the price up to where no normal Joe Schmoe could afford it, the four-wheeler had less than two hundred miles on it and was a comp, courtesy of Ford Motor Company. No fools there; they’d jumped on a tie-in between space exploration and the name of their best-selling product immediately. Wait till Patrick sees this baby, he thought gleefully. Me and Air Mikey—this’ll teach Mr. Conservative what endorsements can do for a guy. After all, a fellow had to ...plan for his future.
    Dennis shut off the engine and climbed out, careful to set the car alarm even in this area—if this vehicle was a babe magnet, it would also draw attention from other not so desirables. It never hurt to take precautions.
    A quick glance at his watch and he knew he was right on schedule. When they weren’t flying around the universe together, he and Patrick always met at Patrick’s townhouse on Tuesday mornings, when they’d buzz off to their favorite health club for a game of racquetball.

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