Standard Fifth Reader

Cover Standard Fifth Reader
Standard Fifth Reader
Epes Sargent
The book Standard Fifth Reader was written by author Here you can read free online of Standard Fifth Reader book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Standard Fifth Reader a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Standard Fifth Reader book?
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That then — O disgrace upon manhood ! — even then You should falter, should cling to your pitiful breath, — Cower down into beasts, when you might have stood men, And prefer the slave's life of prostration to death !
It is strange, it is dreadful ; — shout, Tyranny I shout Through your dungeons and palaces, ** Freedom is o'er I " If there lingers one spark of her light, tread it out.
And return to your empire of darkness once more I 424 SARGENT'S NEW FIFTH READER.
For if siich are the bragg
...arts that claim to be free, Come, despot of Russia, thy feet let me kiss ; Far nobler to live the brute bondman of thee, Than to sully even chains by a struggle like this !
The style of Dr. Johnson was ponderous and formal and very different fh>m that of Addison, which he here generously commends. Goldsmith once wittily remarked to Johnson, "If you were to write a fable about little fishes, Doctor, you would make the little fishes talk like whales." Johnson had a partiality for words borrowed from the Latin and Greek languages; and his antithetical forms of expression are so obviously arti- ficial that they become wearisome, as all that is afiected and unnatnral most Still Johnson was a great man, and though the reputation of his writings is yearly diminishing, his character, as presented by his biographer, Boswell, continues to be one of the most marked and familiar in literary history.

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