Statistics of Income 1965

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Statistics of Income 1965
United States. Internal Revenue Service
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What reading level is Statistics of Income 1965 book?
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Section 453.
For treatment of a portion of payments as "unstated interest" on deferred payment sales, see section 483.
on reverse of duplicate) ig— tssos-i 274 Corporation Returns/1965 • Forms and Instructions SCHEDULE D (Form 1120) U.S. Treasury Depaftment— Inletnal Revenue Service GAINS AND LOSSES FROM SALES OR EXCHANGES OF PROPERTY 1965 Name and address PART I.— GAIN FROM DISPOSITION OF DEPRECIABLE PROPERTY UNDER SECTIONS 1245 AND 1250— Assets Held More Than 6 Months — Where double headings
...appear, use the first heading for section 1245 and the second heading for section 1250.
a. Kind of property (it necessary, attach statement ot descriptive details not shown below) b. Date acquired (mo., day, yr.) c. Date sold (mo., day, yr.) d. Gross sales price e. Cost or other basis, cost of subsequent improvements (if not purchased, attach expla- nation) and expense of sale f. Depreciation allowed (or allowable) since acquisition (attach schedule) f-1. Prior to January 1, 1962 OR Prior to January 1, 1964 f-2.

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Statistics of Income 1965
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