Staunton of Sagada: Christian Civilizer

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nSpirit of Missions, May 1903, p. 299.
— 9 — cloth or cotton, and thin blankets woven of cotton thread carried up from the lowlands provided warmth in temperatures that dropped to below 50' F. at night. Almost all work was accomplished with a kind of large jungle-knife or machete (which had only recently served also as a weapon), and some iron-shod sticks as agricultural tools. Beyond this, a few clay pots, wooden bowls and utensils, bamboo containers and woven baskets made up a household inven
...tory so restricted a scissors showed up as a rather sophisticated instrument. Low window- less houses with tall tatched roofs were closed up tight against the cold nights, and smoke rose up to holes under the ridgepole, provid- ing warmth and dryness, preventing the mildew of grain stored in the attic, imparting an ebon patina to all household objects, and causing the eyes of the old folks to be rheumy and red-rimmed.
Customary government was in the hands of casual senates of older men with no formal organization, membership or title, to which all were technically eligible but in which decisions were in fact made by those leaders who had demonstrated their ability to accomplish what they set out to do.

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Staunton of Sagada: Christian Civilizer
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