Storm Warning

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What reading level is Storm Warning book?
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Using guile and seduction to obtain information was one thing, banging her was quite another.
It was not a line he could cross.
Hissing through clenched teeth did nothing to relieve the pressure that gripped his chest, nor the strain against his zipper. He’d been within an inch of laying one on her. An inch from blowing his career for the sake of a quick and easy screw. What was he thinking?
Ben smacked his fist down on the desk and even that didn’t convince him he’d made the right decision.
... sound of the shower captured his attention, and God help him, all he could do was stare at the bathroom door. Jesus. Now he got to picture her naked.
He put his hand over his face. Was it the thought of immediate sex that scrambled his brain? Or her sad eyes? Better yet, her do-me lips?
He jammed his fingertips against his temples. This was the perfect opportunity to investigate and get closer to her. Remember? That was why he’d invited her here. Not for sex.
He shifted uncomfortably and wished…what?

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