Stroke of Love

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She breathed in the dense, jungle-scented air and, feeling far less of a buzz than she had an hour earlier, she lay down on the wooden bench. When she’d first arrived in Punta Palacia, she’d been careful not to go out alone at night, and she’d taken extra care while in town to always watch her back. She’d heard so many reports about the dangers of Belize City that she’d assumed Punta Palacia would be privy to the same types of trouble, but she’d quickly learned that the hazards of Punta Palacia ...were nothing like the trouble that Belize City was known for. Nights in Punta Palacia had a way of sucking her into a vortex of serenity and hope. Serenity wasn’t dangerous, but hope could be. She’d lain awake too many nights to count, hoping she would gain approval for a well for the village, but knowing how remote the chances were. The village of Punta Palacia was small compared to the larger villages, and the government deemed their needs insignificant in comparison.
    Voices broke the silence of the night, and Kate turned in their direction.

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