Studies in Reading 7

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Studies in Reading 7
J W James William Searson
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Mary Ashu:y Townsend: A Georgia Volunteer.
Henry W. Gbady: The New South.
Emebson: Boston Hymn.
DAFFODILS WILLIAM WORDSWORTH TO observe what things in nature appeal to one is not only interesting but oftentimes enables us to understand their thoughts that otherwise would re- main obscure. Sometimes such a knowledge of others helps us to measure their achievements. To one author, things of might alone appeal. To another, the insig- nificant, the apparently commonplace and trivial, brings inspira
...tion and joy that must be told. Few indeed are oblivious to the wealth of beauty in nature. Sometimes genius itself may separate itself from the rest of man- kind. Then it is that nature must minister to his finer feelings and solitude become his recourse and refuge.
The scene of the following poem is in Gowbarrow Park, Ullswater, where the daffodils were blooming on April 15, 1802. Dorothy Wordsworth, the poet's sister and companion, wrote of their visit to this beautiful scene : "I never saw daffodils so beautiful.

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