Studies in Reading: Fifth Grade

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Studies in Reading: Fifth Grade
J W James William Searson
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What reading level is Studies in Reading: Fifth Grade book?
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And now, O Judge, have we not proved that he is the thief?
Judge. You certainly have shown that the der- vish knows a great deal about your missing camel.
Dervish, either confess that you have stolen the camel and restore it and its load to the owners at once, or explain how you know so much about the matter.
Dervish. O learned Judge, I can easily prove that I know no more about the lost camel than any one might know by going through the desert with his eyes open. As I walked along I saw some f
...oot- prints in the sand. These I knew at once were camel's tracks. As no human footmarks were seen, I knew the animal had strayed away.
THE LOST CAMEL 189 Judge. But how did you know he was blind in one eye?
Dervish. As the grass was cropped only on the left side of the tracks, I judged that he was blind in the right eye.
Judge. But you said he was lame in one leg.
Dervish. Yes, I thought he might be, because I noticed that the mark he left in the sand with one foot was fainter than the other tracks.

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Studies in Reading: Fifth Grade
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